CS371p Spring 2021: Week 9

Aten Kumar
2 min readMar 28, 2021

What did you do this past week?

This past week was a tough week for me in terms of assignments and things I had to accomplish. For our class, I finished up the Allocator project with my partner, and outside of class, I finished up other assignments I had and studied for an exam I had at the end of the week.

What’s in your way?

Balancing my schoolwork with other extracurricular activities I do is currently in my way. I’m currently on the executive team for an organization that is focused on building software projects for the Austin community. It has been taking more and more of my time, so I need to do a better job of balancing that with schoolwork.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I will continue to attend lectures to learn more about the ins and outs of C++ and I will start the next project as well with my new partner. In addition, I will study for an exam I have in the middle of the week and finish up the rest of my assignments.

If you read it, what did you think of the Interface Segregation Principle?

I thought it was incredibly interesting because I previously never gave thought to the fact that multiple clients may make use of one class. It has been nice to build on my knowledge on how to achieve strong object-oriented design in these past few papers.

What was your experience of initializations and vector?

This past set of lectures have been my favorite as we have learned how to create the vector class. Learning the ins and outs of how the container works will help me decide when to use it and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

What made you happy this week?

This week was pretty tough in terms of Spring break ending and school ramping up, but I just arrived back in Austin yesterday, so I got to spend some quality time with my roommates and close friends.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is Postman, a great API testing and development platform. If you are interacting with an API (yours or an open-source one), Postman is great to visualize the results from certain requests. In addition, Postman makes it incredibly easy to save requests in a collection and share them with your teammates as well.

